
THANK YOU to those who provided refreshments for teachers last Saturday. It was most appreciated.


MON and TUES:  Teacher conferences
Thursday, Nov. 22: Thanksgiving Day
Friday, Nov. 23: Native American Heritage Day

Nova Holiday Craft and Potluck Get Together!

DECEMBER 12, 6:00-8:00 PM AT NOVA

Students are planning a small festive event for families and friends to get together and share a treat, make a craft, and have a laugh. Have a craft to teach? (notecards, picture frames, jewelry, etc.) Have treats to share? SIGN UP!  Your info will be forwarded to our student team.

Or, just show up - we look forward to welcoming you warmly as part of the Nova family.

This event is not to be confused with the big Nova CRAFT FAIR! coming in Spring. We look forward to letting you know more about the Craft Fair/auction later.

Nova Teen Clinic is Coming!

Nova is receiving funds from the recent levy to establish the Teen Clinic. THANK YOU to all who supported the levy vote and to those who contacted our Seattle city council members in support of the budget amendment for $100,000 towards the clinic. The clinic will serve all Nova students during school hours. It will specialize in providing services for LGBTQ+ students, who are often an under-served population in terms of healthcare. The Seattle School district is scheduled to begin an evaluation of the Horace Mann building for possible clinic locations soon.  More information to come.

Seattle School Beat

This week the Seattle School Beat newsletter includes tips for parent teacher conferences, winter weather notification information, and MORE. See SPS NEWS